Clears message palette from screen. ClrMessage; Displayes a message in the floating message palette. Message(DisplayString : STRING); Inserts symbol into wall object. InsertSymbol(Offset,Height : REAL;Flip,Right,Cap : BOOLEAN; SymName : STRING); Resets wall object to no cavities. ClearCavities; Creates wall cavities in wall objects. AddCavity(Pair : BOOLEAN; LeftOff,RtOff : REAL; PairFill : INTEGER); Creates caps on wall objects. WallCap(AtStart,Closed,Round : BOOLEAN; RtOff,LeftOff : REAL); Creates wall peak at Distance from start point. WallPeak(Distance,Height : REAL); Creates wall break of BkWidth at distance Offset from start pt. BreakWall(Offset,BkWidth : REAL; Right : BOOLEAN); Creates wall to (X1,Y1) from current pen position. WallTo(X1,Y1 : REAL); Creates wall from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2). Wall(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : REAL); Adds vertices to a polygon. AddPoint(X,Y : REAL); Creates floor object with given thickness. BeginFloor(Thickness : REAL); Creates roof object w/ axis from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2) w/ given rise and run, as well as specified edge miter. BeginRoof(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,UpX,UpY : REAL; Rise,Run : LONGINT; Miter :INTEGER; VPart : REAL); Defines the beginning and end of a polygon definition. BeginPoly; ... EndPoly; Any 2D object created between BeginSweep & EndSweep will be converted to 3D swept object. BeginSweep(#StartAngle, #ArcAngle, #IncrementAngle, Pitch : REAL); ... EndSweep; All 2D objects created between BeginMXtrd & EndMXtrd will be multiple extruded. BeginMXtrd(StartDistance, EndDistance : REAL); ... EndMXtrd; Extrudes any 2D object created between BeginXtrd & EndXtrd with a depth of (StartDistance - EndDistance). BeginXtrd(StartDistance, EndDistance : REAL); ... EndXtrd; Creates a 3D mesh object. BeginMesh; ... EndMesh; Creates text on the active layer. BeginText; '...' EndText; Designates the top-left corner of the text's bounding box by the X,Y coordinates. TextOrigin(X,Y : REAL); Creates a folder in the symbol library. BeginFolder; ... EndFolder; Places a symbol library entry into the active layer at location X,Y. Symbol(SymbolName : STRING; X, Y, #Rotation : REAL); Defines text field in a symbol. Must come between BeginSym and EndSym. SymLocus(X,Y : REAL; TextField : STRING); All graphic objects created between BeginSym & EndSym will be used to define a symbol named SymbolName. BeginSym(SymbolName : STRING); ... EndSym; Loads data into a spreadsheet cell. LoadCell(Row, Column : INTEGER; CellEntry : STRING); Determines width of a spreadsheet column. SprdWidth(ColumnWidth : INTEGER); Determines the number format for cells within the active spreadsheet. SprdFormat(NumericForm,Accuracy : INTEGER; Leader, Trailer : STRING); Determines the border setting for cells within the active spreadsheet. TRUE = Border on FALSE = Border off SprdBorder(Top,Left,Bottom, Right : BOOLEAN); Determines the alignment setting within the spreadsheet cell. 1 = General 2 = Left 3 = Right 4 = Center SprdAlign(Alignment : INTEGER); Creates a spreadsheet with Rows rows and Columns columns. The first cell is located at the point (X,Y). SprdSheet(X,Y : REAL; Rows, Columns : INTEGER); Ungroups selected groups on active layer. UnGroup; Groups all selected objects on active layer. Group; All objects created between these commands will be grouped together. BeginGroup; EndGroup; Creates a rounded rectangle given the top-left corner and bottom-right corner coordinates, and the X and Y diameters for roundness of corners. RRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,XDiam,YDiam : REAL); Creates a rectangle given the top-left corner and bottom-right corner coordinates. Rect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : REAL); Creates a three dimensional polygon. Poly3D(X1, Y1, Z1, ..., Xn, Yn, Zn : REAL); Creates a polygon with the given X, Y vertices. Poly(X1,Y1,...,Xn,Yn : REAL); Returns the current pen location. PenLoc(VAR X,Y : REAL); Creates an oval within a rectangular boundary. Oval(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : REAL); Sets the absolute coordinate position of the pen. MoveTo(X,Y : REAL); Moves the current pen position by dX horizontally & dY vertically. Move(dX,dY : REAL); Places a locus at (X,Y). Locus(X,Y : REAL); Draws a line from current pen position to (X,Y). LineTo(X,Y : REAL); Draws a line from current pen position (X,Y) to (X+dX, Y+dY). Line(dX,dY : REAL); Places layer reference (link) into active layer at (0,0). LayerReference(LayrName : STRING); If LayerName exists then that layer becomes active. If LayerName does not exist then a new layer will be created. Layer(LayerName : STRING); Terminates complex object creation routines. EndObject; Horizontal, Vertical, or sloped dimensions. LinearDim(X1,Y1,X2,Y2, Offset : REAL; Type,Flags,Text : INTEGER; TextOff : REAL); Radial, Diametrical dimensions. CircularDim(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,A1,A2,B1,B2,Offset : REAL; Type,Flags, Text : INTEGER; TextOff : REAL); Angular Dimensions. AngularDim(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,V1,V2, Offset : REAL; Flags, Text : INTEGER; TextOff : REAL); Dimension lines. DimText(X,Y : REAL); Dimension arc. DimArcText(X,Y : REAL); Creates a Bezier vertex point at (X,Y). CurveTo(X,Y : REAL); Creates a cubic splined polyline segment through (X,Y). CurveThrough(X,Y : REAL); Creates a polyline arc segment w/ P.I. at (X,Y) of r=Radius. ArcTo(X,Y,Radius : REAL); Draws an arc of the oval that fits inside the rectangle specified by (X1, Y1, X2, Y2). Arc(X1,Y1,X2,Y2, #StartAngle, #ArcAngle : REAL);